Hi I’m Agnethe 👋 

I write songs that make you cry! 💧

Imagine this: 

You wake up in the morning. The weather is really crappy. You have to go to work. You don't like your job. Your colleagues are ignorant and stupid. You come home to a messy house. Your partner is being an a-hole. And the dog just pooped on your shoe. You know what you need right? A really good big long cry. And that’s what I’m here for! 

So find your most comfy blanket, pour yourself a whiskey (or whatever you're into), put your feet up, look me up on your favourite streaming platform and press play.

My music has helped many people over the years get their cryin’ on!

Feel free to browse my website for more info on me (that awkward 3rd person bio written by myself 😅), listen to my music, read my blog and check out what else I’m up to

Ps. I also created a playlist full of cry worthy songs to help you further. And I am open to recommendations if you know any songs that always bring you to tears!

Happy crying!